Of all the places you could be in the whole world you could be right now, of all the words you could be reading, you are reading these words in this place:

The online home for The Rise of SHE

Welcome, dear sister. Perhaps there is a reason…

Are you feeling called to hold space for women to come together?

Are you ready to step forward begin your journey of re-learning the ancient ways of reconnecting deeply with yourself and with other sisters?

Hi, I’m Dionne Myers

I am a mother, wife, a moon worshiper, earth lover, a spiritual and multi faceted human being a student of the soul. 500 RYT Yoga teacher.

I hold safe and sacred spaces for women to connect deeply to themselves and to their alignment of their deepest energy, inner truth, creative power and wisdom.

Supporting women through all cycles of life. Through natural cycles, menstrual health, fertility, pregnancy, postpartum, peri menopausal and menopausal and beyond.

"A space to breathe, a space for relaxation, a space for creativity and connection, for laughter and tears. Its a space where you can be however you want to be"

- Lin Donaldson

yoni Mudra over womb space
Womb Yoga for Menstration

Coming soon: This course supports women through the days leading up and during her bleed days. Gentle yoga, meditation, Mudra, chant and journaling.

Full Moon and New Moon Rituals

Coming soon: A introductory guide a settings new and full moon intentions, practices and rituals.

Online: The power of your menstrual cycle and the moon

This online course will give you a better understanding and an introduction of your cycles and perhaps will change your relationship with your periods and hormones.

We will discuss the inner and lunar cycles, we will enjoy womb connection/ movement and gentle yoga we will enjoy womb connection meditation and yoga Nidra.